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Lets talk show numbers!

Every time you enter a Black Hawk Creek show you are asked to wear a number to identify yourself.  Why?

Several reasons actually. First we want to know all of our exhibitors by sight and first names, but we don’t. We could ask you to wear a card with your name and your horse’s name on it, but that would be hard to read from a distance, so we give you a card with a number on it. Now we can tell who you are.

This only works if you are the only person and horse we have associated with that number.

When you are running a timed event, we can check to see that you are actually the person and horse we called to run. When you are in a judged event, the judge will write your number on his/her card and we will know who won 1st place.

So, we ask that you have a different number for each horse rider combination. The other reason is that we record results on the computer. By having a unique back number for each combination simplifies data entry. If we have to stop and look up who else was using the same number, it stops the process. If we could have everyone on board with using a unique number, we could have results done quickly and accurately.

For 2020, permanent numbers will be available. Numbers 1 – 100 will be designated as permanent as well as any number over 501. If you have chosen a number over 501, you will need to provide your own numbers. If you have a permanent number 1 – 100, we will give you 2 of the nice sort of water proof numbers.

Single time numbers for those not wanting a permanent number will be available, 101 -199 will be used at the 1st show, 200-299 for the 2nd show, 300 -399 for the 3rd show, etc. 

Please, please, please DO NOT move things around on the floor of the truck or trailer, find a number and pin it on. Many shows will disqualify you if you wear a number that has not been registered with the shoe office. We won’t, but it will make us grumpy. 

To reserve the same number you used last year for the 2020 show season write it on your membership form. If you want a different number that is between 1 – 100, let me know by pm and I’ll let you know if it is available.

On a related note, buy your own safety pins. Walmart has them for about $2.50 for 30 pins which should last you all summer. Or get  those fancy silver do-dads you poke through the saddle pad.

Thanks Kris Brimm